Opening slide with title & tech reminders
Review of MAPLE Objectives, Agenda & Meeting Norms
2.30 PM – 4.00 PM
SESSION 1: Opening and Scene Setting
Opening Remarks:
Dr. Godfrey Bahiigwa - Director, Agriculture and Rural Development, African Union Commission
Mr. Mamadou Diakhite - Director, Agriculture and Rural Development, African Union Commission
Mr. Nana Osei Bonsu - Chief Executive Officer, Private Enterprise Federation
Mr. Jean Baptiste Havugimana - Director of Productive Sectors
Mr. Winstone Makabanyane - Chair of Senior Officials and Experts, Bureau of the STC on ARDWE
Moderator – Dr. Simplice Nouala, Head of Division, Agriculture and Food Security
4.00 PM – 5.00 PM
SESSION 2: Design and Implementation of Malabo-Compliant NAIPs
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Augustine Wambo-Yamdjeu - Principal Program Officer of Ag. Policy and Investment Financing at African Union Development Agency-NEPAD
Topic: What is a Malabo-compliant NAIP and why it is important?
Dr. Ousman Badiane - Africa Director Akademiya2063: Revisiting NAIPs as a tool for managing national implementation
Topic: What is the evidence that this works and how can countries be better supported to develop high quality NAIPs? How has the CAADP BR review informed NAIP formulation and implementation?
Mr. Boaz Blackie Kezire - Head of Policy and Advocacy, AGRA
Topic: What can technical partners do to support countries and RECs to develop Malabo-compliant NAIPs?
Regional breakouts chaired by RECs: Status and lessons of NAIP development:
Topic: Where are we on NAIP design and Implementation? Where are the gaps and challenges? What kind of support do the countries require? How to best track this process?
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Eastern Africa
Session Chair: Mr. Jean Claude Kabano
(CAADP Coordinator) / Agricultural Policy Specialist at the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, EAC / Ministry of Ag. & Animal Resources
Central Africa
Session Chair: Mr. Mohamed Abakar
Head of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, ECCAS
Southern Africa
Session Chair: Ms. Panduleni Elago
Programme Officer Food Security - SADC Secretariat, SADC
Western Africa
Session Chair: Mrs. Fatmata Seiwoh
Monitoring & Evaluation Programme Officer, ECOWAS, ECOWAP / CAADP
Northern Africa
Session Chair: Mrs. Faouzia Chakri
Head of Division (Chef de Division chez, UMA)
Facilitator - Ms. Catherine Mbindyo, Knowledge and Learning Director Policy LINK
Day 2
2.00 PM – 3.15 PM
SESSION 3: Leadership for Inclusivity and Diversity in African Food Policy Systems
Keynote Presentation: Dr. Jemimah Njuki - Director for Africa, IFPRI
Leadership for Inclusivity and Diversity in African Food Policy Systems
Panel discussion: Leading for inclusion: What will it take for a food policy system to be inclusive and equitable?
Dr. Simplice Nouala – Head of Division, Agriculture and Food Security, African Union Commission
Mr. Emmanuel Ngore - Country Representative, CAADP Youth Network
Ms. Constance Okeke – International Project Manager, Public Finance for Agriculture, ActionAid International
Dr. Million Belay - General Coordinator, Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa, AFSA
Wanja Mugongo – Mboga Mama
Session Objective: This session will discuss the important topic of Inclusivity and Diversity in African Food Policy Systems. How can leaders and policymakers facilitate inclusivity and diversity? What are the best practices from countries and regions for achieving real inclusion and diversity?
Facilitator: Mr. Robert Ouma, Regional Director, Policy LINK
Break to switch to breakout rooms
3.25. PM – 4.25 PM
SESSION 4: Learning sessions on policy implementation approaches and tools
Parallel Breakout Sessions (up to 5)
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Dr. Marco D’Errico, FAO
Mr. John Ulimwengu - Senior Research Fellow IFPRI/A2063
Understanding and measuring resilience within Food Policy Systems
Ms. Helen Petrozolla
Ms. Rebecca Herrington - Policy LINK
The Institutional Architecture Assessment
Mr. Greenwell Matchaya - Regional Coordinator for the Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support Systems (ReSKASS-SA)
Joint Sector Reviews
Dr. Augustin Wambo-Yamjeu - Principal Program Officer: Ag. Policy and Investment Financing at African Union Development Agency-NEPAD
Smart Policy Implementation Instruments
Mr. Tinashe Kapuya - Senior Program Officer at Alliance for a Green Revolution for Africa in Nairobi (Kenya) and Research Associate at the Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy in Pretoria (South Africa).
Models of Policy Reform Options in driving Inputs and Market Systems
Break to switch back to plenary
4:35 – 5:20 PM
SESSION 5: Consolidating Ideas for the Future
Prof. Richard Mkandawire - Africa Director, Alliance for African Partnership (AAP)
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Godfrey Baghiiwa- Director, African Union Commission
Presentation of Outcomes of the meeting
What are our recommendations from previous sessions (plenary presentation)?
What are concrete actions we can take?
Mr. Mamadou Diakhite - Head of Environmental Sustainability Division, African Union Development Agency
Ms. Faouzia Chakri - REC for North Africa (UMA)